Thursday, October 27, 2005

Time is precious, waste it blogging

I have been wasting so much time on the internet waiting to hear about the indictments in the Valerie Plame case that I decided to start a blog. I really am excited about it though, so enjoy yourself and leave lots of comments. If you don't, I will be offended and cry. No big whoop. You can lick my face and taste my sadness. Just a note on the picture below, it is REM reunited at a wedding reception in Athens, GA a few weekends ago. I also have a performance video from someone's cell phone taken at the short set REM performed at the wedding reception, but the audio is for shit. Go figure, a concert recording from the first row of a game room in a bowling alley (no shit, that is where they played) taken on a cell phone turns out to have shit quality. I am very dissapointed in the cell phone industry.


Blogger Dana/Dang said...

Were you planning on ever posting anything new, or was this just an experiment in blogging?


1:57 PM  

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